Delhi Fine Art Academy

Hobby Certificate Course (1 Year)

About the course

Hobby course is specially designed certified course for those who want to polish their creativity and get a strong hand on different mediums. Those lacking the availability of time can go ahead with 3 months, 6 months or 1 year course based upon their availability.

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Course Content

1. Free hand drawing

2. Shading

3. Stick and block drawing

4. Drawing with graph

5. Portrait

6. Landscape (Studio)

7. Free had drawing

8. Still life

9. Face proportion

10. Body proportion

11. Pencil shading

12. Oil Pastel

13. Glass Marking

14. Charcoal

15. Dry crayons

16. Scratch painting

17. Oil colour

18. Acrylic colour

19. Marbling

20. Mirror Painting