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Charcoal Workshop (July 2024)

Our recent charcoal art workshop was a resounding success. Participants of all skill levels explored fundamental techniques and creative approaches, guided by experienced instructors. Participants experimented with different styles, producing dynamic and expressive artwork. The event provided valuable skills and inspiration for all who joined.

Watercolour Workshop (April 2024)

Sharing Glimpses from the magic of our recent Watercolor Workshop! Participants of all ages explored vibrant techniques of water color and created stunning masterpieces under expert guidance post Demo. A memorable experience that celebrated creativity and artistic growth at our academy.

Art Competition (November 2023)

Falicitation Program for DFA students who participated in NATIONAL LEVEL ART OLYMPIAD 2023 conducted by CFAC. Our 8 students won the award along with 2 cash prizes of Rs 5000 (Ist prize) and Rs 2500(2nd prize) respectively!

Proud of you DFA students.

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Clay Art Workshop (September 2022)

Ganesha, the name to be remembered and worshipped for every beginning, for every auspicious celebration, for eliminating all the evil.

Therefore, DFA'S students worshipping and celebrating Ganesha in their own artistic way by participating in our clay art workshop conducted to celebrate Ganesh chaturthi.