Delhi Fine Art Academy

BFA Entrance Exam Preparation

About the course

Our BFA entrance preparation course offers comprehensive training in drawing, sketching, and exploring design and creativity. These skills are essential for success in a BFA entrance. With the right approach, you can enhance your chances of admission to a top art and design colleges. Additionally, we provide preparation for the CUET exam, under the guidance of expert faculties. This adds another layer of preparation, ensuring students are well-rounded and ready for any challenges they may face during the admissions process

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Course Content

1. Free hand sketching

2. Stick drawing & block drawing

3. Face proportion

4. Body proportion

5. Free hand drawing techniques

6. Still life

7. Perspective

8. Eye level

9. Light and shade

10. Free hand shading

11. Camera view

12. Composition/illustration/story Boarding

13. Life drawing

14. Colour theory

15. Water colour

16. Drapery Study

17. Use of Pen (Water proof)

18. Theory GK